Let’s Get Organized!

Still have your holiday decorations up?  

We recently learned on TODAY.com that 84 percent of responders to a survey on the Great De-Christmas Debate say that they take their holiday decorations down sometime in January. More than half (51 percent), in fact, said they aimed to put them away on or around New Year’s Day.  

Don’t be that person who keeps the lights up past Valentine’s Day. Packing up holiday decorations this month is the perfect opportunity for making getting organized a priority in 2024.

Staying organized isn’t just a resolution; it’s a way of life. From decluttering spaces to managing schedules, here are some tips to help you stay organized and on top of your game this year. 

1. Binge on storage bins.

Start by organizing your holiday decorations as you put them away. Invest in clear storage bins. Separate, label and categorize decorations by ornaments, lights and other decor. Before boxing everything up, be sure to remove all batteries (including solar) and set any power switches on ‘off.’ 

2. Set clear goals.

Whether it’s a daily to-do list or larger milestones for the year, having a roadmap helps you prioritize tasks and can keep you from feeling overwhelmed. Write down your goals and keep them where you can review and revise as needed throughout the year. 

3. Declutter and donate.

Clutter is the poster child of disorganization. Make decluttering a habit. Every few weeks, take time to sift through your belongings. Donate or discard items you no longer need or use. This not only frees up more storage and other space but also makes your heart happy knowing your donations can help others. 

4. Clean out your digital files.

Digital clutter can be just as overwhelming as physical clutter. Organize your digital files by creating folders and subfolders. Use productivity apps for task management, note-taking and schedules to keep everything streamlined. 

5. Optimize your workspace.

It may be a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind or even genius, but a neat and welcoming workspace can help improve your productivity. Showcase your personality and work style with a stylish desk organizer set and shelving or other storage systems to keep unnecessary or seldom-used items out of your way.  

6. Prioritize time blocking.

Plan your day by time blocking. Dedicate focus time for specific tasks by prioritizing based on urgency and importance. Set your status to ‘Do Not Disturb’ or ‘Busy’ to maintain focus so you can easily and efficiently complete those time-sensitive to-do’s.

7. Get into a routine.

Create daily routines that work for you. Whether it’s a morning ritual, an evening wind-down, or a weekly planning session, routines help establish structure and make tasks feel more manageable. 

8. Delegate and outsource.

Recognize and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Delegate tasks when possible, whether at home or work. Outsource things that others can do more efficiently to free up your time for more important matters. 

9. Set reminders.

Maximize the use of technology for reminders and alerts. Sync and set up notifications on your devices for important deadlines, appointments and tasks to avoid forgetting crucial commitments (including Aunt Mildred’s 90th birthday later this year). 

10. Practice mindfulness and reflection.

Take moments throughout the day for mindfulness or reflection. This can be as simple as a few minutes of deep breathing or journaling. It helps center thoughts and maintain focus during a busy or stressful day. 

11. Regularly reassess and reorganize.

Staying organized is an ongoing process. Allow time regularly—perhaps weekly or monthly—to reassess and reorganize. This prevents clutter from piling up and provides a sanity check to ensure what is working for you continues to work. 

12. Invest in self-care.

Self-care is integral to staying organized. Prioritize your well-being by getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising, staying hydrated and taking breaks as needed. (If it fits your budget, a monthly massage and mani/pedi work wonders.) A refreshed mind contributes to better organization. 


13. Learn to say “no” and set boundaries.

Overcommitting can lead to chaos. Learn to say no to tasks or commitments that overwhelm you or don’t align with your goals. Set boundaries by prioritizing your time and energy wisely. 

14. Be flexible and adaptable.

Be adaptable in your organizational approach. Life can throw curveballs, so staying flexible allows for adjustments without derailing your entire system. 

15. Celebrate small wins.

Staying organized is a journey, not a destination. Celebrate your achievements along the way, no matter how small. Acknowledging progress helps keep you motivated to stay organized.  

In 2024, staying organized isn’t just about having a clean desk or a tidy home. It’s about creating and maintaining a productive, efficient lifestyle. Being organized helps keep you in control so you can get through each day with more ease and purpose.  

Besides getting – and staying – organized, if finding a new home is one of your resolutions this year, Offerpad can help you organize your best way to sell or buy a home.  

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