Maximize your shed space with these easy hacks!

Has your shed been looking like a pigsty lately? 🐖 

We get it. Once you’re exhausted after hours of yardwork or DIY buildin’, you just want to throw your tools in there and deal with it some other time. But having a place for everything and putting everything in its place will make it easier to find the things you need and quicker to clean up once you’re done with your projects next time. 

It may feel a little daunting to get started on clearing the clutter but throw on your favorite podcast or playlist and use some of these simple ways to clear up space and turn your shed back into a usable storage area or hobby room. 

Deck the walls

Do you find yourself constantly searching for the right size screwdriver amidst the tools you have thrown everywhere? Hanging a peg board can free up space on your workbench and utilize the open space on shed walls. And you’ll be able to see all the tools you have to easily find what you need! You can even throw up some shelves, too, to store your extra flowerpots or cans of paint for easier access instead of having to move things around to find them. 

Things are looking up

If your shed has a loft, this is a perfect place for storing things that you don’t use very often to clear up some floor space. If you don’t have a loft, not all hope is lost! You can easily install cross boards to create the same effect for those holiday boxes, while also giving you a place to hang things from. You can use the boards to wrap those extra hoses around or hammer in a nail to hang your shovels or gardening aprons. 

Shut the front door

If you’ve run out of room on the walls, open up additional storage space by using the back of your shed’s door(s). Keep clutter off the floor by hanging hooks, small storage cubes, or baskets on the back of the door(s) to create storage areas for and easy access to small things you use often like garden shovels, packets of flower seeds and work gloves. 

Put more on the floor

With so much of the clutter cleared away and stored around the shed now, it’s time to finish up with what’s left! Head to the store to get some stackable storage bins and fill them with off-season tools and items you only use once in a blue moon. Label each container with an itemized list of contents so you don’t have to rustle around in each one to find what you’re looking for. 


If you need more storage space inside or out, maybe it’s time to get organized and start looking for a new home. We’re here to help! We make it easy, so you can do less ‘real estat-ing’ and more living. Find out more at